Simon Ostermann

Simon Ostermann

NLP & AI Researcher @ DFKI


Address: Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
66123 Saarbrücken

Welcome 👋

I am a computational linguist and senior researcher at the Multilinguality and Language Technology (MLT) lab at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, where I am currently leading mid-sized research projects both administratively and scientifically. I manage the MLT lab with over 20 employees and lead the research group on Efficient and Explainable NLP (E&E) at the MLT lab.


My research interests are mainly on transparent and robust language models and language technology.

In my work, I mostly use large language models trained with deep learning methods. I also have profound experience in data acquisition and crowdsourcing, as well as educational NLP.

Selected Publications 📰

Teaching 🏫

I am also teaching at Saarland University. Here is a list of my ongoing courses:

  • Seminar, Summer 2024: XPLN - Exploring Explainability in NLP
  • Seminar, Summer 2024: Efficient and Robust Natural Language Processing
  • Seminar, Summer 2023: XPLN - Exploring Explainability in NLP
  • Software Project, Summer 2023: BERT and Friends – Pretrained LMs in Natural Language Understanding
  • Seminar, Summer 2022: BERT and Friends - Pretrained LMs in Computational Semantics

Supervision 🎓

If you are interested in writing your MSc thesis with my team and me, please send me a mail with a short topic outline, a CV and a transcript of records. Please note that we get many such requests and cannot collaborate with everybody that is interested.


I'm happy to collaborate with and advise the following PhD students:
